
WordPress – A Truly Amazing Tool

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These days, the entire world is looking at the internet for their information needs. Encyclopedias are replaced by Wikipedia, free dictionaries are all over the internet, and heaps of niche information websites are everywhere you look, with interesting content on every topic you can imagine. With WordPress, anyone can have their own voice in the World Wide Web for just the price of a domain name and a little time spent reading a simple tutorial.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with WordPress, it is one of the top blogging tools available on the internet; it is also one of the most powerful Content Management Systems (CMS) used for a variety of purposes and not just for bloggers.
Yeah, Baby! In addition to blogs you can also build full blown websites with WordPress for both personal and commercial projects. It is supported by a huge community of developers and designers that are constantly adding new stuff to an already large repository of plugins and modules that will accelerate the web design and developing processes.
The people in charge of the security and the safety of the code are constantly releasing updates, making it one of the safest platforms of all of the open source solutions available on the world wide web. The search engine optimization principles (SEO) in which the code structure is based couldn’t be better. Search engines love WordPress’s juicy content. Best of all, is FREE!
Now, even baby boomers who did not grow up with computers everywhere (or anywhere, for that matter) can easily get a website up and running without having to learn the code languages of CSS or HTML. The days of having to hire a webmaster to build your site at a hefty price are over.
I love WordPress for several reasons:
· The installation process is not too complicated, making it possible for the average web user (that’s you, me and anyone else who is not a webmaster) to complete the process on their own which can literally take only 5 minutes to do. No Kidding!
· If you prefer, you don’t even need to buy a domain name as long as you don´t mind having WordPress as a prefix on your site´s URL.
· The publishing and text editing facilities are fool proof; you can login and start publishing without having to go through any sort of steep learning curve first. You just type, and then hit “Publish”.
· Everybody likes originality, right? With WordPress you can alter your site design from within its own administrator with many very cool themes. These can be found in great variety online, and many for free.
· There are thousands of developers active in the community continually adding new extensions and functionality for your site. For Free!!! That´s right, adding forms, slideshows, audio and video to your site is an easy process that will not require you taking classes at your local technical college, or spending a ton of money.
· As stated before, if you are looking into increasing your personal and business exposure on the web, the SEO implementation is one of the best ones out there.
· The stability and performance of the code structure found in WordPress are hard to find even on commercial packages. To us “average web users”, that means fewer freezeups or breakdowns that require the help of other more knowledgeable ones to correct.
· The latest versions of WordPress have an amazing upgrade process that only requires clicking the “upgrade” button!
· WordPress is so popular, it is estimated that 1.6% of the sites on the internet are powered by its engine.
· There are forums to go to if you have questions in which many experts are available and are more than happy to give you help with your technical details.
Now that you know how easy and well supported WordPress is, there is simply no reason not to go right out and get your very own piece of virtual real estate. And once you see your own site published and up for everyone to see, you will be amazed at how inspiring it is. Now you can really start to have some fun!
Source by Terrell Just
